Tribute to former VHS Viper and life-long Steiner resident  

Dylan Joseph Deuillet – Vandergrift class of 2022 graduate and life-long Steiner Ranch resident – died on April 11th, from head injuries sustained in a car accident in southeast Austin on April 8th.

“Dylan was the nicest guy, always putting others before himself and kind to everyone” shared many, many Instagram and Twitter posts.

Born and raised in Austin, Dylan loved making others laugh. He also loved all kinds of music, working out at the gym, gaming, ocean sports, tennis, and cars. He really enjoyed his car and he got a job working at Tiff’s Treats because it combined driving and making someone’s day with his delivery.

Dylan sang in the Canyon Ridge Middle School and VHS choirs, took piano, oboe and drum lessons.

As a way to stay connected with his father as he became paralyzed from his cancer fight, Dylan taught himself to play his dad’s bass guitar. He also got an electric guitar and learned a couple of his dad’s favorite “RUSH’ tunes to cheer him up on really rough days. Music has always been a big part of the Deuillet family.

Deuillet family in Hawaii

Being in or on the water was his favorite place. Dylan was raised by sailors and spent most weekends sailing Lake Travis. Also, annual trips to his mom’s Hawaiian islands created a strong bond with his island ohana and a great love of the ocean. And a love for its creatures, especially sharks. He could name every species and their unique facts. He created the artwork for his Dad’s cancer fight campaign, and of course, a huge shark was representing God. Having his own sailboat and cage diving with great whites were still on his bucket list.

Dylan had an incredible devotion to his family, at just 9-years-old and while starting middle school, he chose to be baptized and stepped up to be a support to his mom and sister when his dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It was incredibly hard on him, but his inner strength and incredible care and empathy was consistent with his extraordinary character. Even though he was living with the pain of possibly losing his dad, Dylan focused on his friends, and how he could make their lives better. “He had such a kind heart, he knew exactly what to do to make me laugh, he always cheered me up and he was the best friend a guy could ask for.”

He was most recently showing his love for others as he was taking a year off before starting college, to help his family as his dad’s condition worsened. Again, putting others first. 

Along with other independent life skills, Dylan was learning to cook. He had recently cooked a family recipe for his girlfriend, while visiting her at her college campus. He came home wanting to learn more Hawaiian/Deuillet family recipes to impress her.

He loved adding lots of pepper to everything and no mushrooms –ever! As a kid, he was known for eating mustard sandwiches. Just yellow mustard on bread. His teacher even wrote a note home, concerned that maybe his Mom “forgot to add the main ingredients”. Mustard remained his favorite condiment.

Dylan’s former teachers and coaches were all so devastated to hear the news of his passing, and more than a few shared through “all the years” they have taught, or coached, “Dylan was an exceptional person, a standout”, and secretly a ‘favorite’ of theirs.”

As a final sacrifice and selfless gesture of his care for others, he insisted on being an organ donor. His death, and the outstanding care he took of his body, saved many lives and blessed many others on organ donor waiting lists. “It’s surprisingly very rare to have young people as donors… Dylan was obviously an extraordinary young man,” shared a Texas Organ Sharing Alliance representative.

The Deuillet family’s faith has been tested and challenged. They still feel the pain of losing Dylan every day. Countless friends and his very large family from Dallas, Canada, Hawaii and here in Austin miss him dearly. Even the two family dogs, that he would walk late at night after the gym, still lay by his bedroom door each night, waiting for him to come home. “He made us all want to be the best versions of ourselves”. His mom used to tease him and say “WWDD” – What would Dylan do?

Dylan’s dad, mom and sister have decided to have Dylan’s memorial service on 

December 23rd at 2 p.m. at Austin Christian Fellowship Student Building at 6401 River Place Blvd. Austin, TX 78730. The service is open to all wanting to honor Dylan and his brief but impactful and inspiring life.