Saturday with Santa was a huge hit at Austin Christian Fellowship on Dec. 10. Santa and his elves were hard at work along with a juggler and balloon twister who entertained the crowd. There was a hot chocolate bar and coffee and donuts as well as crafts and a place to write Santa letters.

A shy Sophie Stevens gives her wish list to Santa.

Balloon artist, Jack Byrd, crafts a Christmas rose Claire Washington.

Santa’s helper Blakely Vollmer works the crowds at Saturday with Santa. She adds that for Christmas she would like funds for a mission trip to Guatemala.

Sloane Thomen and her mother, Shae, work on her letter to Santa.

Elissa Kanatzar helps her son, Grant, write a letter to Santa.

Santa’s helpers (L-R front) McLendon Hall and Jennifer Stewart and (back) Hunter Parks and Talen Rose help keep things in order for Santa.

Elfin greeters – Skylar Cheatham and Jordan Hill at Saturday with Santa at ACF.

Jasmine Elizondo had her face painted and picked up a Christmas rose.

Balloon artist, Jack Byrd, fashions a sword for Henry Smetana.

Even as he reviews their lists one-on-one, children still fill Santa’s mailbox.

Patrick Moxon keeps a friendly distance from Christmas’ biggest and bearded elf.

Juggler, Taylor Griswold, has this little one’s full attention.