By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
Progress is being made on the $39.4 million roadwork projects in Four Points that include a new connector road between RM 620 and RM 2222 and the RM 2222 road widening.
The traffic pattern on RM 2222 was switched just prior to Thanksgiving. The 3rd eastbound lane is open on RM 2222 from River Place Boulevard to McNeil Drive.
“Our contractor is continuing to install the city of Austin waterline west of River Place while we are also beginning earthwork moving activities for the next phase of construction – widening of RM 2222 between River Place Boulevard and the new bypass road,” said Tyler Brudnick, Texas Department of Transportation project manager.
Upcoming activities include installing the storm sewer trunkline outfall along Bullick Hollow. Additionally overhead utilities are being relocated along RM 2222, Brudnick said.
“The contractor continues the widening of RM 620 and installing underground conduit for Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) along RM 620,” Brudnick added. “Crews are preparing the roadway subgrade for the new bypass and performing grading for drainage and sidewalk along the new bypass.”
This week crews began installing water and wastewater utilities for Travis County Water District 17.
Widening RM 2222
The $23.6 million RM 2222 project includes adding a third lane between Bonaventure Drive and McNeil Drive. The project broke ground in January 2019 and the improvements are expected to be complete by May 2021, or nearly two and a half years later.
The River Place Boulevard intersection will include an additional left-turn lane from northbound River Place Boulevard to westbound RM 2222 and an additional left-turn lane from southbound River Place Boulevard to eastbound RM 2222.
New connector road
The $15.8 million project is adding a new bypass road through open land beginning near 6715 RM 620 to connect RM 2222. The connector bypass broke ground in December 2019 and is expected to be complete in late 2021.