VHS Incubator team Xuberance features caffeine gummies at SXSW

Vandegrift’s Xuberance team includes: Arjun Dewagen – CTO, Sam Cazares COO, Grant Stevenson CSR, (all pictured) and Zach Butler, CEO, and Aryan Sunder, CMO (not pictured because they were traveling during the SXSW event).

Vandegrift Incubator’s Xuberance participated in the Asia X International Market Summit at South by Southwest 2024. The event was at the Austin Public Library on Cesar Chavez on March 12.

Vandegrift Incubator students participated in the Asia X International Market Summit last month as part of South by Southwest 2024. Team Xuberance has developed slow release caffeine gummies and the Vipers provided samples of their product while they networked. 

“At SXSW, my team and I had the honor to present our energy gummies to a wide audience of people at the Asia x Austin International Market Summit,” shared Viper Arjun Dewagen. “It was a truly fantastic experience—the level of support and interest that people had in our product was honestly quite touching.”  

The caffeine gummy is an alternative to coffee, energy drinks and sodas. Xuberance has a 6-pack of gummies with a combined 200mg of caffeine (2 cups of coffee) that have been developed in mango, strawberry, peach, lime and orange flavors. The product is packaged in a compact pouch. 

“They have developed the product from idea to market and have a finished product they showcased at SXSW Asia X Market,” according to mentor Joe Cazares. “Team Xuberance met with several interested market leaders/investors to discuss the evolution of their product and the possible option of partnering with some interested parties.”

Viper Sam Cazares shared that the team met some very influential figures, and leaders in the Asian Market at the convention. 

“We were delighted at the amount of positive feedback, and encouragement we had received from everyone at the convention,” he added. “Our team is forever thankful for having the opportunity to be at this event.” 

It appeared they were the youngest team in the business category at SXSW, Mentor Cazares shared. 

Xuberance is in the market entry phase and are serious about proceeding in taking their product to a national/global level, he added. They have made some industry contacts to help them attain these goals with their product. 

“They are looking at making their product available at some local farmers’ markets and are in discussions with a national kayak shop about having their product carried in a local store here in Austin,” Mentor Cazares shared.