River Place teen is National Acteens panelist

​​Allison speaking on stage at the Texas WMU Convention in Georgetown in April.

Allison Agthe, an incoming senior at Hyde Park High School, is one of four student leaders in the nation selected to serve in 2018 as a National Acteens Panelist by the Women’s Missionary Union.

The River Place teen is the daughter of Scott and Debbie Agthe, and is a member of Austin Baptist Church.

National Acteens Panelists are young women who exhibit a strong commitment to Christ and to missions through their leadership responsibilities in their church and community, and through dedication to academic studies and involvement in Acteens.

As a Panelist, Agthe received a $1,500 scholarship. Throughout 2018 her service will include addressing women leaders at the national WMU annual event in Dallas (June 8 – 11), speaking at churches and other events, writing articles for Acteens publications, and continuing with her international outreach leadership projects as an Acteens member.

Apart from the national conference, Agthe spoke on a panel about bridging cultural gaps across generations and moderate a discussion on world hunger at the statewide annual meeting of the Texas WMU at First Baptist Church in Georgetown in April.

Agthe has taken six international trips, studying Mandarin in China the last two summers, and serving on mission teams sent by Austin Baptist Church to Japan and Calgary, Canada. She will return to Tokyo for an Acteens mission trip this summer. She has also worked to promote WMU’s WorldCrafts program, which develops sustainable, fair-trade businesses among impoverished and exploited women around the world.

Founded in 1888, Women’s Missionary Union is a nonprofit organization dedicated to missions education, service and involvement for Southern Baptist Convention women.

​At the National WMU Convention in Dallas on 6/11/18, Allison is on the stage (center) with missionaries and others wearing different costumes.

Allison Agthe, 17, was named a National Acteens Panelist, one of four selected from competing candidates across the country. She is wearing a traditional Chinese dress from Beijing.