By SARAH DOOLITTLE, Four Points News
The 2019 Steiner Ranch Turkey Trot 5K and Kids Fun Run hosted nearly 500 runners this Thanksgiving, Nov. 28.
The event supported Austin’s own Community First! Village and thanks to event sponsor Austin Christian Fellowship and registration fees, $4,500 will be donated to Community First! — a new record in giving for the Steiner Turkey Trot.
“Thanks to everyone who came to run and share Thanksgiving with their neighbors,” Steiner Ranch Events Committee chair Desirre Ghebremicael said of the event. “We are grateful to raise this money that will help so many people in need.”
Elyse Derian, mom of three, was one of the top three finishers as were two high school students Travis Graham and Eli Waddle.
A new twist to this year’s trot, racers were able to write what they are most thankful for on their runner bibs, and participants wrote everything from “Family” to “Pumpkin Pie” to “Texas”