Automatic wildfire detectors installed at River Place & 3M Drive 

 Wildfire detectors with built-in automatic detection based on artificial intelligence models have been installed on one of the buildings in Four Points at 3M Drive. This installation is of critical interest to the surrounding area, which is part of the Wildland Urban Interface. The installed SmokeD System wildfire detectors monitor an area up to 10 miles from the site. Local detectors will monitor areas including Lake Travis North Shore, Steiner Ranch, River Place, Westlake, Tarrytown, Pemberton and Clarksville. 

SmokeD detectors have been installed on the roofs of the buildings, work automatically and are able to detect a fire within a few minutes of its occurrence. The detectors work 24/7 and if they detect the first symptoms of an emerging fire, they send alerts to users. Alerts are also sent to the SmokeD Alerts mobile application (iOS and Android), which is available to everyone for free. 

“Our goal, as SmokeD, is to quickly detect the threat and notify the fire teams and residents about the emerging threat,” said Artur Matuszczak, founder and CEO of SmokeD System Inc. 

“I am very glad that the property owner at 3M Drive cooperated with us, because each such installation increases the safety of several thousand people. All residents need to do is download the application to their phones and, in the event of a threat, they will be notified that something is happening,” added Matuszczak.

The installation in Four Points was created as part of a larger project on the outskirts of Austin. SmokeD also cooperates with other entities that are working together to install a network of several dozen points from which automatic fire detection will be carried out in the counties of Travis, Williamson, Bastrop, Caldwell and Hays.

The project is described on the website: Austin Wildfire Detection Project.  

Headquartered in Austin, SmokeD installations are located in several European countries, as well as in Indonesia and California, Arizona and Texas. At the end of 2023, the company conducted automatic monitoring over 9 million acres around the world.