The refill of Lake Austin will begin Thursday, Feb. 9. The drawdown has helped homeowners, businesses and restaurants, including the Hula Hut Austin at 3825 Lake Austin Blvd, to maintain shoreline property.
FPN Reports
The six-week drawdown of lakes Austin and LBJ will end later this week.
The refill of Lake Austin will begin Thursday, Feb. 9, and the refill of Lake LBJ will begin Friday, Feb. 10. Both lakes will be back in their normal operating ranges by Monday, Feb. 13.
The lakes were drawn down for six weeks beginning Jan. 2 to give lakeside property owners an opportunity to repair and maintain docks, retaining walls and other shoreline property. Lowering the lakes also helps curb the growth of nuisance aquatic vegetation such as hydrilla and Eurasian watermilfoil. Lake LBJ was lowered about 4 feet, and Lake Austin was drawn down about 10 feet.
Water to refill Lake Austin will be moved downstream from Lake Travis through Mansfield Dam. The water to refill Lake Austin is equivalent to about 8 inches of water in Lake Travis.
For more information on the lake lowerings, visit lcra.org/lakelowerings.