November 17 2019 Issue

SRMA board votes to extend Steiner office hours
By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
Although the Steiner Ranch Master Association Board of Directors voted to extend the business hours of the Steiner HOA office at the board’s Nov. 28 meeting, the board was split and no action was taken on two important topics: voting in another director for Steiner District 4 and on next steps to consider third party management.
The HOA board is divided and in a deadlock on several initiatives. In general, Naren Chilukuri, Amy Colton and Rekha Garapati are advocating for changes in the HOA management structure and exploring ideas of third party management which they say could lead to cost savings and efficiencies, and Robby Roberts, Dave Doman and Erika Fletcher had been advocating to slow down the process to consider outside management, to gather more information about a potential shift, and to review and refine the current structure. At this meeting for the first time, they spoke of a shift to table this topic until the next election of board members in April. They said that is what they believe their constituents want.
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