“Why are you not fighting for us? Just because you fight and may lose you still have to fight for the people you represent,” said Robbie Seal to the Steiner Ranch Master Association HOA board on March 26 during the open forum. LYNETTE HAALAND
By LYNETTE HAALAND, Four Points News
During the open forum portion of the Steiner Ranch Master Association annual meeting on March 26, five residents spoke against the SRMA board of director’s endorsement of route F, no other topic was brought up. The discussion stems from the board’s actions several weeks ago, when a majority told Travis County that it supports the proposed permanent road connecting Steiner’s Flat Top Ranch Road to RM 620.
“I’m shocked and horrified for your vote (in favor) to put route F through a green belt and park,” said Robbie Seal, Steiner resident.
Amy Franklin asked that a survey be shared to all of Steiner like the board discussed earlier. Apparently that was discussed by the board but the SRMA board couldn’t agree on wording of the questions. Franklin asked if the board can continue to consider a survey.
She cited that there is a petition that has around 1,000 signatures of people who do not want the proposed permanent route F.
A board member questioned the accuracy of the petition saying that she voted twice with a California zip code.
Seal said she met with the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve officials and no one has spoken to them about getting an emergency road through Steiner. That was an option that was never addressed, she said.
Board member Chris Langevin said, “Travis County said it doesn’t matter what the traffic study says, it’s not going to change their minds.”
He added that the SRMA board members relied on information from experts for them to make their decisions.
“We need to get involved in the design phase (of route F) or else we’ll get the New Jersey turnpike,” Langevin said.
“Please pause and remember why we all moved here. The trails, the green belts. You can’t replace those after you ruin the neighborhoods,” Seal said.
Seal asked the board if she could help “find a way to do it right.”